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  • Payroll Accounting

    Today, the management of payroll accounting requires comprehensive knowledge on social insurance schemes and withholding taxes. Many small business owners cannot afford to establish a special personnel department. At the same time the requirements to be fulfilled when preparing salary or wage statements are constantly increasing. More and more businesses are thus handing over the administration of these not to be underestimated statements to specialists. This also protects them from any unpleasant subsequent charges that may result from recurring audits. 


    We will gladly support you when it comes to preparing:

    Contact us for a nonbinding consultation.


    * Old-Age, Survivors' Insurance, in German:  "Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung (AHV)"
    ** Disability Insurance, in German: " Invalidenversicherung (IV)"
    *** Family Allowances, in German:  "Familienzulagen (FAK) "

    Wir sind einfach in Zürich-Nord zu erreichen. Kontaktieren Sie uns und vereinbaren Sie einen unverbindlichen Besprechungstermin.
    We are easy to reach in Zurich North. Contact us and arrange a non-binding meeting.